
Monday 21 March 2011

You're too kind

I’ve recently (& not so recently – sorry Nikki) received some blog awards from some very generous ladies, so would like to acknowledge these & most importantly say a huge thank you for your kindness & encouragement, to the lovely ladies who have  awarded them.

First up, I received the Stylish Blogger Award from the lovely Nikki Stalker (so sorry it’s taken me so long to get this up Nikki – renovation brain I think) & last weekend from the lovely Janice Spencer, who’s blog I’ve just found. The rules of this award are apparently are:
1.       Thank and link to the person who passed the Award my way;
2.       Share 8 things about myself;
3.       Pass it on to 8 others; and
4.     Let them know about the Award.

So, 8 things about me...very random! That was hard on a Monday morning!
1.       I’m a Christian.
2.       I’m a converted e-book reader, since we got an i-pad. My hubby Damien & I are reading (I’m re-reading) the Miles Vorkosigan sci-fi book series together. Fantastic series!
3.       I’m a total chocoholic for milk chocolate (especially Lindt classic), but am not as fond of dark chocolate & don’t like white chocolate at all.
4.       My star sign is Virgo – which should be no surprise to anyone who knows me.
5.       I can’t wait to finish our renovations, so we can have a family room again....& get most of the family room furniture out of our bedroom.
6.       I’m really looking forward to going to Melbourne & the SU Convention in May, with my fabulous friend Kellie.
7.       My favourite song (& video) of the moment is “Hollywood by the fabulous Michael Buble. Check it out HERE if you want to see why.
8.       I’m gradually working my way re-watching all the Taggart TV series. If you haven’t heard of Taggart, it’s a police murder mystery show set in Glasgow, Scotland. As a Glaswegian by birth, I really enjoy hearing the accents, slang, humour & seeing scenes my first home the stories are really good!

Now to pass it on....
That’s so tricky, as so many bloggers inspire me... but here we go.
I’m very proud & to say these first 4 nominees are part of my SU Diamond Stampers downline...Go girls!  Their styles are all different & very beautiful & most of them have just starting blogging, so please give them some encouragement.  These final 4 fabulous ladies blogs are always in my ‘check this out immediately if not sooner’ list. Say no more!
Phew! That was hard to narrow down.
Well, if that award wasn’t enough, I was thrilled to receive the Liebster Award from the amazing Helen or H2 as you may know her from her fab blog.
The idea behind this award is that you nominate 3-5 blogs that are pretty new or have less than 300 followers, so I’d like to nominate...

 Chrissie's World – Chrissie gave me such encouragement when I started blogging with her lovely comments & I am forever grateful for that.
 Leanne Dixon – Leanne has become a dear friend over the past couple of years & is also my SU Auntie. She’s a stamping technique queen & loves vintage.
Kellie Jupe – well,what can I say about the gorgeous Kellie? She definitely not a regular blogger, but her cards are fab & I hope this encourages her to do & post more (grin). Love ya Kellie!

Before, I go, I’d like to say a final thanks again to Helen, Nikki & Janice for these special awards. If you need any more inspiration, please check out the bloggers on the right column, as they’re all wonderful! 
I’ll be back later hopefully with my card for the latest Inkspirations challenge....if I can get some work done first.
Inky wishes, Di


  1. Congrats on all your awards Di. They are well deserved! Thanks also for nominating me. You are so sweet :-).

    Hope your renos are almost done. Can't wait to see a pic (hint hint).

    Have a wonderful week.

  2. Hi Di,

    thanks for the lovely comment and for the award. Looking forward to catching up in May!!



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